Lyra Learning Group

We are a group of about 55 lace knitters from around the world, knitting Herbert Neibling's "Lyra". Thanks goes to Helen Eisler, owner of the Knitted Lace List, to which all Lyra knitters in this group belong. This blog is written, edited, and published by Rosemarie Buchanan, 8 year member of the Knitted Lace List. All images and text in this blog are protected by copyright laws. Permission must be sought, and given, to use anything from this blog.

Location: Vancouver Island, Canada

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Gretchen's centre. She writes, "I haven't cinched up the center yet. I tried 4 centers before I stuck with this one where you put a slip knot on the needle, knit into it and add the new stitch back onto the needle." Thanks for the great photos, Gretchen. It'll be great to see your Lyra finished! Posted by Picasa


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