Lyra Learning Group

We are a group of about 55 lace knitters from around the world, knitting Herbert Neibling's "Lyra". Thanks goes to Helen Eisler, owner of the Knitted Lace List, to which all Lyra knitters in this group belong. This blog is written, edited, and published by Rosemarie Buchanan, 8 year member of the Knitted Lace List. All images and text in this blog are protected by copyright laws. Permission must be sought, and given, to use anything from this blog.

Location: Vancouver Island, Canada

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Debbie Arnold of Colorado Springs, CO, USA, knit this beautiful Lyra. Debbie sent this close-up of the alteration from round 85 through 113, and says, "the third set of leaves was stretched during blocking, but not too badly. When I do lyra again, I will alter this section again--more for appearance than blocking. My addition looks too skinny and doesn't blend with the original pattern as well as I would like." All the Lyra knitters understand the quandry with the area that binds, Debbie. I think your solution looks great!

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Debbie continues, "knit with size 60 crochet cotton on 1.5mm needles throughout entire project. About 27" side to side and 29" from corner to corner. Took 56 grams of thread." It's a beautiful cloth, Debbie. You've done a fabulous job!

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Sunday, November 06, 2005

Susan G. of Berlin, Germany has finished her Lyra, and what a beauty! She says, "My Lyra looks very nice once blocked, although I had real trouble blocking it. Even after pulling and ironing and using some starch, there are some places where my Lyra will not lie completely flat. The inner leaves circle is still a bit bumpy after blocking, and the corners of my square version are impossible to block out. Maybe if I pull the corners a bit more it might get better, but I'm not really in the mood so I will leave it for now." I think many of the Lyra knitters can understand about "being in the mood", as this pattern has caused some of us more than just a little consternation! The lighting on Susan's picture illustrates the various textures and stitches in the Lyra, which is one of the things we love about the Lyra. Absolutely lovely knitting, Susan. Posted by Picasa

Here is a close-up of the square corner on Susan's Lyra. She writes; "I'm thinking that my troubles with blocking maybe were caused by this particular yarn/ needle size combination. I used #10 thread and 2.5 mm needles giving me a fairly tight tension. Should I do the pattern again I would make the round version, and use smaller needles until after the first circle of leaves is completed." Even with its trademark Neibling design anomalies, the Lyra is a beautiful cloth. Thank you for sharing your pictures and wisdom with us, Susan! Posted by Picasa